International Coralline Algae Meeting 2023 happening in Sweden

Source: Official Website of conference

The 7th International Coralline Algae Meeting will take place in Umeå in Sweden this August 2023! The meeting will be followed by an Arctic field trip in Tromsø, Norway.

The meeting will have a multi-disciplinary flavour, welcoming submissions spanning the ecology, biogeochemistry, geology, evolution, physiology and conservation of free-living, crustose and geniculate coralline algae, with a forward-looking view to emerging frontiers in the field.

7th International Coralline Algae Meeting 2023

The full details of registration can be found at the official conference website. Its been a long wait following lockdown!!

International Rhodolith Workshop, Roscoff, France


At the end of last month, the International Rhodolith Workshop took place in Roscoff, Brittany, France and around 50-60 international scientists came from the far reaches to present their work on maerl or rhodoliths. In the geology session, had the brilliant opportunity to present some of our work on the habitat dynamics and the impact of storminess on maerl:


We went on a boat trip in the Bay of Brest and sampled some of the maerl from an unfished and a fished site. Here are some photos of our trip to collect some specimens from the Bay of Brest.

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This trip was funded by the Marine Insitute Travel and Networking Award, Ireland and we would like to thank the organisers of the conference and the Marine Institute for making this trip possible!